MB5: A Summary Described of the Prophet's Prayer |
A Summary Described of the Prophet's Prayer
- Preface
- Facing towards Qiblah
- Mistakenly, offering the prayer facing other than Qiblah
- Standing for the prayer-Qiyaam
- Praying on a ship or plane
- Combining the both positions, sitting and standing, while praying
- Praying with shoes
- Praying on the Minber-pulpit
- Praying near to Sutrah
- (to place something in front while praying)
- The height of the Sutrah
- Offering
prayer while facing the tombs or grave is prohibited Prohibition of
passing in front of a praying person, even in the Mosque of Makkah
- Preventing someone from passing in front of himself while praying, even in the Holy Mosque of Makkah
- Stepping forward to prevent a passing person in front of a praying person
- Things that cut off the prayer
- Saying the intention in words
- Takbeer Tahreemah proclaiming Allah-u-Akbar
- Lifting the hands and the authentic way
- Placing the hands and the correct way
- Where to put the hands
- The opening supplication
- Recitation
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