Magnificence of the Quran by Darussalam UK |
The Magnificence Of the Qur'an
- The significance of the Quraan's student and its teacher
- The virtue of reciting the Quraan
- Quraan's intercession for its reciter
- Repeating the Quraan to maintain it
- Evaluating the situation of the Muslims by acting upon the Quraan
- The significance of the reader of Quraan
- The grace of reciter the Quraan by heart who enforces it in practically life
- Descending the peacefulness for the Quraani recitation
- Asking some one to recite the Quraan for the sake of Allah and not to use it for worldly benefits and to eat with it
- Beautifying one's voice when he reads the Quraan
- The significance of Surah Al-Fatihah
- The virtue of Surah Al-Baqarah
- The grace of Ayah tul-kursi
- Excellency of the two last verses of surah Al-Baqrah
- The virtue of surah Al-Fatihah and the end of Surah Al-Baqarah
- The grace of Surah Al-kahf
- The magnificence of Surah Al-Fath
- The excellence of Surah Tabarak
- The excellence of Surah Al-Kafiroon
- The excellence of Al-Ikhlaas
- The significanceof Quraan's two last Surah (Mu, awwidha tayn)
- Loving someone reciting the Quraan
- Reward of reading the Quraan
£2.50 |