Darussalam Perfumes Online
Gateway to Arabic Flashcards: Level 2
Gateway to Arabic Flashcards: Level 2
Gateway to Arabic Flashcards: Level 2


This pack of 64 double-sided flashcards has been designed to complement Book One of the 'Gateway to Arabic' series, and also supports 'The Key to Arabic Book One'. The cards should prove beneficial not only to self-taught students, but as a valuable teaching tool within the classroom. This pack will help students learn to recognize all the letters of the Arabic alphabet in their isolate and joined forms; the long and short vowel sounds; tan-ween (the -an, -in and -un endings); shadda; sukoon; and the dip-thongs -ay and -ow. Extensive research and piloting ensure that materials are easy to teach and learn from. 
Price: £6.00