Knowledge Mandates Action |
Knowledge Mandates Action
This is a translation of the famous classical work "Iqtida-ul-Ilm al-Amal" (Knowledge Mandates Action) of Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi (Died 463H). It is the second installment in the classical Knowledge series - a collection of selected scholarly works from the past that deal with the subject of religious knowledge.
In this treatise, the author gathers over 200 narrations from the Prophet, his Companions and the pious predecessors on the virtue and obligation of acting upon knowledge. Thus the work serves as an inspiration and encouragement to the readers, guiding them to transfer whatever knowledge they gain of Islam into good deeds and righteous actions.
You will find this book filled with beautiful admonitions and golden words of advice from our righteous predecessors, inciting us to acquire knowledge and to then put it into practice by way of acts of worship.
About the Author
Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi was one of the Imams of Ahlus-Sunnah who is reknowned and reputed for his high position in the subject of Hadith. He has authored many books about the etiquettes, manners and guidance on seeking knowledge and Hadith, this particular book being one of them. |
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