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Islamic Perspective of Contraception & Abortion
Islamic Perspective of Contraception & Abortion
Islamic Perspective of Contraception & Abortion

Enter into Islam completely (Part 3) by Muhammad al-Jibaly

Publisher: Al-Kitab & As-Sunnah Publishing

About the Book: Allah commands the believers to adhere to lslam in its totality:

"0 you who believe! Enter into Islam completely, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. 'verily, he is to you a clear enemy" [Al-Baqarah 2:208]

The true way to guidance and prosperity is through correcting our apparent deeds by complete adherence to the Sunnah, and our hearts by sincerity and continued awareness of Allah . May He grant us guidance and facilitation.

This book deals with the issue of contraception. This issue has become one of the accepted elements of today's civilization, and a most common practice among the Muslims. By this, they often violate fundamental Islamic principles. Some of them even go as far as performing abortion for the slightest excuse not realizing that voluntary abortion could be a crime as serious as full-fledged murder.

This necessitates providing some advice for those who seek the truth but have only heard the wrong views of the shallow-minded. It is important to present a clear picture of contraception and abortion, and a detailed reasoning for the position of Islam in their regard.

Thus, we present this little book, which is mostly extracted from our larger book, "Closer than a Garment". We publish this material as a separate booklet upon the request of some friends who felt that many Muslims specifically needed it.

We hope that the English-speaking Muslims will be able to benefit from this in guiding themselves and others toward lawfully increasing the number of Muslims who raise Allah's word most high. 
Price: £3.99