Imitating the disbelievers |
Imitating the disbelievers.
The title of this treatise is, Tashabbuh al-Khasis bi Ahli-l-Khamis fi-r-Radd at-Tashabbuh bi-l-Mushrikin And thus; entitled in English as Imitating the Disbelievers It is truly distressing to find the ignorant masses losing much [knowledge and understanding] of what the righteous Salaf were upon comprising their holding firm to the Straight Path, their avoiding innovations and their shunning the distinguishing features of the denizens of Hell. Similarly it is distressing to find the ignorant ones of the Khalaf following every sinful, misguided individual. There is no might or movement except with Allah the Most High, the Great! How can you bring yourself to imitate a people, who are but fuel for the fire! Where would such a practice take you except to the anger of Allah and his displeasure? Provided He does not forgive you that is, and provided that you know that your Prophet, Muhammad used to encourage differing from the People of the Book in everything that was specific to them
The Muslim children are raised upon loving their festivals of disbelief due to what is prepared in them of playful pastimes, new clothes, food, loaves of bread and other such things. What an evil teacher you are, O Muslim, if you do not prohibit your family and children from this and you do not explain to them that these are the practices of the disbelievers and that it is not permissible for us to join in with them or imitate them. Satan has adorned these practices for many of the ignorant masses and the negligent scholars. How will you be able to look at the face of your Prophet tomorrow, on the Day of Judgment ? You have opposed his Sunnah and enacted the action of a disbelieving people, those who are misguided, those who are enemies of this religion |
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