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Knowing the Angels by Muhammad Mustafa al-Jibaly
Knowing the Angels by Muhammad Mustafa al-Jibaly
Knowing the Angels

Eemaan Made EASY Series (Vol-2) by Muhammad al-Jibaly

Publisher: Al-Kitaab & As-Sunnah Publishing

About the Book: This is a simplified series of books dealing with the fundamental Islaamic beliefs. The material is well-founded on authentic proofs from the Qur'aan and Sunnah. The books are written in easy language, making them accessible to individuals with limited vocabulary.

This series covers the six pillars Eemaan and reIated subjects as follows:


This series consists of six books:

Knowing Allah

Knowing the Angels

Knowing Allah's Books & the Qur' an

Knowing Allah's Prophets & Messengers

Knowing the Last Day

Believing in Allah's Decree, Qadar

Each book is structured into chapters, sections, and subsection to organize learning and facilitate grasping the concepts by elementary-level readers. Furthermore each chapter includes exercises review and emphasizes the concepts. All this makes the Eemaan Made Easy series a valuable source of reliable study material for schools and individuals. 
Price: £7.99