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Islamic Belief in the light of Quraan and Sunnah
Islamic Belief in the light of Quraan and Sunnah
Islamic Belief in the light of Quraan and Sunnah. By Darussalam UK

In this book:

-Some important questions regarding Islamic teachings, which have been answered, referring the evidence texts from the Holy Quraan and Saheeh and advocated Ahaadith so that the reader might be satisfied with the correctness of the answers.

- All basic teachings of Islamic faith have been illustrated which presents a pure and excellent picture of Islamic religion.

- Also many polytheistic and atheistic superstitions have been refuted, which are poison for a Muslim community

                                            Index Of Book
Chapter 1. Pillars of Islam
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Faith
Chapter 3. Mankind's duty to Allah
Chapter 4. Types and benefits of Tawheed
Chapter 5. Conditions regarding our deeds to be accepted in the sight of Allah
Chapter 6. Major Shirk and its manifestations
Chapter 7. Forms of Major Shirk (great Shirk)
Chapter 8. Shirk Asghar - Minor Shirk
Chapter 9. Intercession
Chapter 10. Jihaad, Walaa and Hukm
Chapter 11. Living in the light of Quran and Sunnah
Chapter 12. Sunnah and Innovation
Chapter 13. Responded supplication
Price: £2.50