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DVD: Muslim ID: Told From a New Perspective
DVD: Muslim ID: Told From a New Perspective

Muslim ID
Told From a New Perspective

Watch an absolutely unique, real-life documentary, about the Muslim ID, as told by Mujahid Fletcher. The documentary spans almost 2 hours of enlightening, and heartening footage.

Mujahid, originally from Colombia, is a recent revert to Islam, whose family members, and several friends have also reverted to Islam in the quest for truth, and God-given identity. Based on the Annual Texas Dawah Convention IV, watch some fascinating scenes unfold, as Mujahid walks in and out of lectures interviewing people of knowledge and the average attendee. Go along the ride with Mujahid as the documentary tries to shed some light on how the Muslim identity (ID) should appear in the West, in the light of the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah. Ponder, as Mujahid then takes us out to the streets of Houston to compare the information gathered at the Texas Dawah Convention, and its relevance to the reality and implementation of Muslims living in today’s society! You may be surprised to learn that the perspective of Mujahid and other new Muslims is a lot different than that of the born Muslims. Part of these differences comes from the fact that Mujahid and other reverts who grew up in this society have a better understanding of the culture and situation of the people of this society. This is truly what makes this documentary one of a kind.

The footage includes interviews with Islamic personalities like Siraj Wahaj, Hakeem Olajuwon, Yahya Ibrahim from Australia, other students of knowledge studying at the Islamic University of Madinah. In addition, Mujahid talks to public school teachers, an Islamic school student, parents, business owners, non-Muslim co-workers and much more. The situation of the Muslim youth is then exposed in its true light, as Mujahid and others explain, from their personal experience, the reality of the Hip-Hop culture, and why there is a generation gap between parents and youth growing up in this society. You will be mesmerized by the never-before-seen footage of an open dialogue, held in a town-hall type setting, between members of CAIR, Texas Dawah, and the FBI! Hundreds of Muslims attended this first-of-its-kind event held at Texas Dawah Convention, with some voicing personal experiences in being profiled, harassed by airport security, loss of constitutional rights, and much more. Also included are memorable events, like that of the Muslim's relief effort in Houston's Convention Center for the Hurricane Katrina victims this September 11th.

This video is a MUST-HAVE in all Muslim homes. Muslims born/raised outside America will be reminded of their current situation, and encouraged to live up to their duty, as Muslims living in the West. New Muslims will be glad to finally see their perspective being expressed which will help build awareness in their brethren amongst the Muslim immigrants. We hope too that this video will enlighten those who do not know about Islam, or have rejected Islam, as they see the beauty of Islam in action, as a way of life in our current times. It will increase appreciation of what we stand for and our struggle to practice our religion in peace and security in this country.

May Allah accept the efforts of Br. Mujahid, and the Texas Dawah Convention.

Please do not miss this opportunity to bring a masterpiece production into your home while at the same time helping Dawah!

Price: £11.95