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Ilm: Gotta Have It! | The Third Parent
Ilm: Gotta Have It! | The Third Parent

Ilm: Gotta Have It! | The Third Parent

2 Khutbas on 1 CD by Muhammad Alshareef

Ilm: Gotta Have It!
Excerpt: "What is the hukm of studying Islam? Is it Fard, is it Makrooh, is it Haram? Let the Prophet - sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - give us all the answer: "Seeking knowledge is Fard (Compulsory, not an option) upon every single Muslim.."

The Third Parent
Excerpt: "A close friend of mine told me his experience when leaving Canada to go overseas and study Islam. He said that he went to a personªs house to say Salaam to the family and as he left he noticed the son - who was 7 years old at the time - slacked out on his stomach, chin locked in his two hands, staring deathly at the TV. He says, when he returned after a full 4 years, he entered the same house and found the same boy slacked out on his stomach, chin locked in his two hands, staring deathly at the TV - only now he was 4 years older."

Ustadh Muhammad Alshareef was born in 1975 and raised in Canada. In his youth, he memorized the Qurªan and later graduated with an Islamic Law degree from the Islamic University of Madinah, class of ¦99. He is the founder of AlMaghrib Institute through which he teaches university-level accredited seminars. AlMaghrib seminars have been conducted across the USA, as well as Canada and Australia. His students receive course credit from AlAzhar University, one of the world's premiere Islamic universities. Learn more about his institute at

Price: £6.95