Darussalam Perfumes Online
Contemporary Issues
Contemporary Issues

Contemporary Issues

Contemporary Issues is a lecture series that is designed specifically for dawah purposes to non Muslims as well as Muslims. The issues presented in this series are those that are oft mentioned and confrontational; those issues which may be labeled as “controversial” in our times.

Part 1: The foundations of dawah are presented.

Part 2: Presents the L.A.W. Principle.

Part 3: Focuses on the essential personal characteristics of the caller.

Part 4: Is essentially an analysis of the people who are being invited, the ones who are being given the dawah. It also includes an introduction to polygamy in Islam, showing the perspective Muslims are to have in regards to this so-called “taboo” issue.

Part 5: Comments on spouse selection, religious intermarriage, and a defense on claims of marital oppression by the Prophet (s). Marital rape, the husband’s role in marriage, domestic violence and corporal punishment are some of the contemporary topics that are given clarity in this section.

Part 6: Discusses issues surrounding divorce, alimony, abortion, methods of contraception, population control, and the veil in Islam.

Part 7: Discusses women’s inheritance, separation in education, and capital punishment.

Part 8: Covers various issues such as: women emanating men and men emanating women; why apostasy equals execution; dietary law issues; and the prohibition of Music, among other things.

Part 9: Deals with issues related to imagery and photography; the Islamic position on the evolutionary theory; the big bang theory, and cloning.

Part 10: Discusses cosmetic surgery and organ donation, medical study, Euthanasia, and Aliens.

Part 11: Deals with Economically related issues, Islam and terrorism, and jihad.

Part 12: The final section contains several relevant questions and their answers based on all of the previous sections in this series.

Not only will this series help one become more educated in a versatile number of topics, but will enable one to discuss, with more confidence, the Islamic perspectives as these questions are raised.

Price: £49.95