Good Character |
Good Character
Islaam stresses much about acquiring the good manners and good character. Many Verses and Ahaadith give the Muslims the direction that they should always try to present their good character before others whether they may be Muslims or non-Muslims. We find in the teachings that we have to acquire good character in all walks of our life. We are to acquire that whether we are worshiping Allah or praying for the blessings of Allah upon the Prophet or while we are with the parents or we are behaving with the neighbors and relatives or we are with our friends and elders or young than us. These good traits should be taught to our new generation, with this purpose in mind we have published this book to help the parents taught their children good character. Index - Publisher's Note 9
- Introduction 10
- What do you know about good character? 12
- Good character from the Noble Qur'an 14
- The one who had the perfect character 17
- The obligation of the Muslim child from the Warner and Giver of glad tidings 20
- Good character from the life of the Messenger 21
- The story of the Messenger with the Bedouin Arab 26
- Do you want Allah to love you? 29
- Good character is the heaviest thing in the Scale 30
- Good character from As-Siddeeq 32
- Good character from Al-Farooq 36
- Good character from 'Uthmaan Thun-Nurayn 40
- Good character from 'Ali 42
- Good character and bad character 47
- The person with bad character is disliked and despised 49
- A person with good character does not become angered easily 51
- Whoever says good, then he will hear good 52
- The story of a young man and good character 55
- Good character with Allah 56
- Good character with the Messenger (S) 57
- Good character with the parents 58
- Good character with the neighbors 59
- Good character with friends 61
- Conclusion 64
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