Sheikh Abdur-Rahmaan bin Naasir as-Sa’di (May Allah have mercy on him)
With an introduction by Abdur-Razaq al-Afeefi (May Allah have mercy on him)
All praises are due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, and upon his family and companions.Verily the scholars in our time are many, but few are those who seek to extract rulings from its source and base them upon its foundation, follow their speech with action, and intently search for the truth in all that appears and rises from the horizon. And from this very few was Abdur-Rahman bin Nasir bin Sa’di, may Allah have mercy upon him, for indeed if anyone were to pursue his works, interact with him and examine his lifestyle in the days he was alive, he would know his perseverance in the service of knowledge, whether it be in research or commentary. He would find him excellent in character, upright in his affairs, and just and fair to his colleagues and students, pursuing harmony in any evil that might transpire and lead to contention and division, may Al-lah have much mercy on him. And from those works is this concise but comprehensive letter which he wrote in response to a question asked by the respected brother, ‘Ali al-Hamd as-Salihi in regards to the ruling regarding smoking cigarettes. In spite of its brevity, it has clearly achieved its goal, openly professing the truth. By it, the criterion has been established upon the obstinate and those who follow their desires rather than Guidance from Allah, as he employed the generality of the texts from the Quran and the Sunnah as a basis to give evidence to the prohibition of smoking cigarettes, as well as the detriment caused to one’s financial condition, body, and the soci-ety as a whole.And it is not for anyone to be obstinate by demanding to men-tion specific evidences prohibiting smoking, not being content in the generality of the texts, except if he be shortsighted, weak in intellect, and ignorant of the sources of the religion and how to understand and benefit from them. Indeed the evidences in the religion, as they appear as specific rulings, often appear as general rulings that embody the specific ones. The likes of these doubts and misconceptions do not cross the path of those who truly seek and research the truth. One would only use this type of reasoning if its addiction has taken possession of his soul and overcome him, in that he becomes its prisoner. Shaytan seduces him, beau- tifying for him the khaba`ith, revering it; he takes Shaytan as an Imam, leading the person’s heart astray by the whispers and doubts that he casts into it.It has become evident that smoking cigarettes contains much danger and much harm, and scholars of medicine have confirmed this fact. I will mention some of what they have said, not, though, to seek to establish its prohibition through it, for the one content in the religion is the one whom Allah has sufficed with His Book and the Prophet’s Sunnah, for they are the clearest and straightest of paths and in them is the convincing argument for those who Allah has granted straightness and who are upon His Guidance. I only mention it for those who blindly follow whom they deem people of knowledge, civilization, and taste, seeking to clarify that the ones whom they emulate have themselves ac-knowledged its harm and repudiate it. The following are some excerpts taken from Kitaab-ul-Bayan, by Sheikh Ibrahim Abdul- Baqi, may Allah have mercy on him. The Doctor stated in Adab al-Muhallaa, p.122: Tobacco and Smoking by Western Health investigative officer Ismail Rushdie: It is a plant the Arabs named, at-Tabaq (tobacco). By chemical analysis, it is shown to contain a poisonous substance of which if two drops were to be administered to a dog’s mouth, it would immediately die, and five drops are sufficient to kill a camel. Savage people in the past were accustomed to chewing it. This is the most harmful method of utilization, for it enters the stomach through the saliva. In spite of the wide array of harm it causes, its consumption has become prevalent amongst many nations. Physicians have established that tobacco affects the heart by causing palpitation, the lungs by causing cough, the stomach by causing a loss of appetite, the eyes by causing conjunctivitis, and the nervous system by sedating it. Doctor Damardash Ahmad stated the following: وَ لَمْ أَرَ في عُيُوبِ النَّاسِ عَيْبًا كَنَقْصِ القَادِرِينَ عَلَى التَّمَامِ “And I do not find in the faults of people a fault, Like the shortcomings found in the competent of perfection.” I do not believe that the human race, since the time of its crea-tion, has weakened and humiliated itself in front of its enemy as much they have in front of smoking cigarettes, as this habit has captivated, fettered and humiliated its pride. It has taken control of all types of people, from the most menial of laborers who depredate their own and their family’s nourishment, to the leading physicians, philosophers, and intellectuals who have annulled their ingeniousness with which they revealed distant horizons in an array of arts and sciences. The prevalent opinion was that smoking in moderation caused little or no harm to the healthy person, but ongoing research has established that in fact the harm caused by smoking is something that could never have been imagined. The realities of what this research has established the follow-ing. Professor Diamond Palmer undertook a study of twenty thousand cases, amongst them were those who smoke exces-sively, moderately, and those that abstain from smoking alto-gether. He created a profile at John Hopkins University stating in it everything related to their health, disease and lifestyles. He started the research in the year 1919 CE and completed it in the year 1940 CE with the following conclusion: Smoking cigarettes clearly shortens the lifespan of a person in relation to the amount consumed; those who refrain live longer than those who are moderate smokers, and those who smoke moderately live longer than those do so excessively. I ask Allah that He guide us to the straight path, and that He grant us the guidance to accept advice, and that He keep us away from all which contains danger and harm. We ask that He have mercy upon the author, cause benefit by his work, and cause us to meet in the most honorable abode. And may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and upon al his
family and companions. Abdur-Razzaq al-Afeefi
The Ruling Concerning Cigarettes
This following is a letter from his excellency, the Sheikh, Abdur-Rahman an-Nasir as-Sa’di, may Allah have mercy upon him, which he wrote in reply to a question which I inquired due to a discussion that took place between me and another Muslim re-garding the ruling concerning smoking. And as it was that this treatise was not to be found with any other person, I thought it necessary that I bring to it light, fearing the disgrace and sin asso-ciated with concealing knowledge, as well as hoping from Allah that he causes me, the author and the rest of the Muslims to ben-efit by it. The following is the text of the question and answer as written by the transcriber, may Allah have mercy on him.
From: Your son, ‘Ali bin Hamd as-Saalihi To: His Excellency, the noble Sheikh, Abdur-Rahman an-Nasir as-Sa’di.
As-Salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakaatuhu: I ask that you bring us benefit by explaining in a clear fashion the ruling concerning smoking cigarettes and its commerce, is it haram or makrooh ? Please provide us with a verdict.
The Answer: And with Allah is Tawfeeq; we ask that He guide us and our brother Muslims.Smoking cigarettes, its trades and collaboration in it in any means is strictly prohibited. It is not permissible for a Muslim to en-deavor in it, whether by smoking it or in its commerce, and it is obligatory upon the person who does to turn to Allah in sincere repentance, as it is obligatory to repent from all other sins. This is due to the fact that it is inclusive of the general texts that prohibit it, through its general diction and meaning. This prohibition is by account of the harm it causes to one’s religion, well-being, and financial condition, and any one of these reasons is enough to account for its prohibition. As for the harm it causes to one’s religion and the textual evi-dences regarding its prohibition, they can be approached from different respects. From the evidences is His saying, ﴿وَيُحَرِّمُ عَلَيْهِمُ الخَبَائِثَ “And He prohibits them al-khabaa`ith.” [Surah al-A’raaf(7):157] And His () saying, وَلا تُلْقُوا بِأَيْدِيكُمْ إِلى التَّهْلُكَةِ “And do not cast yourselves into destruction with your own hands.” [Surah al-Baqarah(2):195] And His () saying, وَلا تَقْتُلُوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ إِنَّ اللهَ كَانَ بِكُمْ رَحِيمًا “And do not kill yourselves, verily Allah is to you Ever-Merciful.” [Surah an-Nisaa´(4):29] Through these aforementioned verses and others similar in mean-ing, Allah prohibited all things that are khabith and cause detri-ment, and khubth and detriment are determined from the effect and harm that ensues from them. Cigarettes have many adverse effects that all people are well aware of, especially those who in-dulge in it, but their will power is decrepit; though they realize its harm, their desires take the better of them. Scholars have stated that all food and drink that is harmful is in fact prohibited. From the harm that it causes to one’s religion is that it becomes difficult for the servant to perform acts of worship and fulfill what he is ordered, especially in regards to the fast, and whatever causes aversion of good deeds is in itself evil. Smoking also en-courages one to associate with the vile rather than the righteous. This is one of its greatest detriments, for it results in enmity and hatred of the righteous and dissuasion from following their way of life. And this is especially the case with children and young adults, for when they are afflicted with this trial, they immediately spiral into an ugly state of affairs. Cigarettes further the destruc-tion of their character, and it becomes a door that leads to great evil. As for the detriment it causes the body, it is quite substantial, for it diffuses through the veins and makes its way to the whole body. It weakens the eyesight, it weakens the body’s vitality, and prevents the body to properly benefit from nutrition. Whenever these two characteristics are found simultaneously, it intensifies the severity of its danger. From its harmful effects is that it weakens the heart, interferes in the proper function of the nervous system, and causes loss of ap-petite. It also causes severe cough that may even lead to loss of breath and suffocation, and how many victims has it appropriated and led to destruction! Qualified physicians have resolved that smoking is the greatest cause of chest related diseases, like tuberculosis and its counter parts. It also has an observed effect of causing cancer, which is from the most severe and painful of diseases. It is so very strange that we see that intelligent people who are intent in preserving their health persist in smoking, when all these multitude of effects have been observed. And how many harm-less ailments have deteriorated on its account and become diffi-cult for physicians to cure. And how many people have quickly degenerated from a state of strength and health! And what is also very strange is that many people follow the ad-vice of physicians in matters much less severe than this. How can they take this dangerous matter so lightly?! This is certainly due to them submitting to their desires which take control of their reso-lution, weakness in their determination to strengthen it, and giv-ing precedence to their lifestyle, even after knowing its many harms. And it is not strange to see that many physicians also smoke, while they admit with their own statements their condition and its detriment to their health, for their addiction takes control over their intellect and determination; even though they perceive well its harm, they are still persistent in it. We have merely hinted at some of the harmful effects associated with smoking, along with the fact that it causes black staining of the mouth, lips and tongue, and causes rapid decay and rotting of the teeth. It also causes an array of inflammatory diseases, and if one were to research its harm, he would find much more than what we have mentioned. As for the detriment it causes to one’s financial condition, it has been authentically reported of the Prophet “That he prohibited the squandering of money.” And what could possibly be more wasteful than burning it in these cigarettes that, “neither nourish nor avail against hun-ger,” and contain no benefit in any respect. Those preoccupied in smoking bear much pain in spending large amounts of money on it, up to the point that they might even stop spending in that which is obligatory upon them. This is indeed a great misguidance and causes much harm. Spending money in that which has no benefit is prohibited, so how as for spending on that whose det-riment is realized? Due to the fact that these cigarettes bring harm to one’s religion, body, and financial condition, its commerce is also haram, and it is something futile, not profitable. Many people have witnessed that those who were involved in its commerce, even if they prof-ited when they first started their business, they were afflicted by loss of wealth in the end. And verily the people of Najd, and all praise is due to Allah, all of its scholars are in agreement concern-ing its prohibition, and the lay people are enjoined to follow the scholars. It is not allowed for them to follow their desire, twist meanings or give reason that there are scholars from other lands that state its permissibility and not its prohibition. This type of reasoning is not allowed by the ijma’ of the scholars, for the lay people must follow their scholars; they are not independent of them. It is not allowed for them to disregard the statements of their scholars, and this is what is incumbent upon them, as Allah says in the Quran, ﴿فَاسْأَلُوا أَهْلَ الذِّكْرِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ لا تَعْلَمُونَ “Then ask the people of the Reminder (the scholars) if you do not know.” [Surah al-Anbiyaa´ (21):7] And there is no equal to this corrupt reasoning which is promi-nent on the tongues of some lay people out of their following of their desires and not truth and guidance, except if they were to say, “There are some scholars in the other lands that do not state the obligation of itmi´naan in the prayer, so do not object to us if we follow them,” or, “There are some who state the permissi-bility of usury, so it is our choice whether we are to follow them or not,” or, “There are those who do not state the prohibition of eating birds which have talons, so it is our choice whether we are to follow them.” If this door is opened, much evil would be made accessible to people, and it would be a cause of the disintegration of the religion. Everyone knows that following statements such as these are in direct conflict with what is well established in the re-ligion and with the statements of the scholars, and that they are from those things which are impermissible. The correct means of assessment is through the fundamentals and principles of the religion, and they confirm the impermissi-bility of cigarettes. This is due to the many different harmful ef-fects which result. Anything that induces harm upon a servant, whether in his religion, body, or financial condition, and has no realized benefit is prohibited. How much more is the case if there were countless harms all found in one entity? Isn’t it then deserv-ing, religiously, intellectually, and medically, that it be left and cautioned against, and that advice should be given to those who accept it? It is incumbent upon those who are sincere to themselves and give their body worth and value, that they turn to Allah in for-giveness, and that they make a firm resolution without hesitation coupled with seeking help from Allah, for whoever does that, Al-lah will help them and make it easy for them to accomplish what they desire. What facilitates this is in knowing that whoever leaves something for Allah, He replaces it with something better. Also, as the re-ward of acts of obedience that are difficult to perform is much greater than those in which there is no hardship, the same applies for abandoning sins which are difficult to leave. So whoever is granted the Guidance and the Help of Allah, then he will find that he will only face difficulty in the beginning stages, but then it is gradually alleviated, until Allah completes His favor upon His servant and he rejoices at the Favor of Allah and His Protection and Help. He becomes sincere to his brothers as he was sincere to himself, and Tawfeeq (Success from Allah) is in the Hand of Allah. And whoever knows Allah from his heart and sincerely seeks that which is with Him by doing what he has ordered and leaving what he is prohibited, Allah will make the path to Jannah (Paradise) and all other good easy for him, and He will distance him from the Hellfire. So we ask Allah that he lead us to the good, and that He protect us from evil, verily He is Most Gener-ous, Loving and Merciful. Abdur-Rahman bin Nasir as-Sa’di Rabi’-ul-Awwal, 1376AH Transcribed by: ‘Ali al-Hamd as-Saalihi. The Approbation of Abdul-Lateef bin Ibrahim Aal-ish-Sheikh (Director of Institutes and Faculties) All Praises are due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be on the noblest of prophets and messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon all his family, companions, and those who followed them in their way. I have reviewed what al-Allamah ash-Sheikh Abdur-Rahman bin Nasir as-Sa’di has written in response to the questioner who inquired about the ruling concerning smoking cigarettes and its commerce. I found that he responded in a correct and beneficial manner, and that he elucidated the response in a clear and appar-ent style with authentic evidences from the Mighty Qur`an, the Prophetic Sunnah, and from the sayings of the scholars which enlighten the heart, exposing the harm it causes to one’s physical and spiritual life as well as what is associated with it from squan-dering money and loss of respect amongst people. And he also clarified the prohibition of its consumption and commerce, and that it is established by the consensus of the scholars. May Allah reward, forgive, and have mercy on him. Orated by: Abdul-Lateef bin Ibrahim Aal-ish-Sheikh. And may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad.
The Approbation of Sheikh Abdul-Muhaymin Abu Samh (Imam Al-Masjid al-Haram)
Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-Raheem, and may the Peace and Bless-ings of Allah be upon our leader Muhammad, who said: “I have not left anything that draws one near to Allah ex-cept that I have clarified and ordered it, and I have not left anything that distances one from Allah except that I have clarified it and prohibited it, so whatever I have or-dered you, do as much as you are able, and whatever I have prohibited, cease in it.”…or its like. I have heard the response of Sheikh Abdur-Rahman bin as-Sa’di, may Allah have mercy upon him and forgive him, in the ruling regarding smoking cigarettes. The truth is that it is a concise but beneficial response, and if a person wished to speak in its regard in more length than the Sheikh, may Allah have mercy upon him, he would find much to speak about and many evidences which pertain to it, like his saying: “The children of Adam will not proceed on the Day of Resurrection until they are held accountable for their youth and strength and in what it was utilized, their time and how they consumed it, their wealth and how they spent it and from where they acquired it.” …or as Allah said, ﴿وَكُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا وَلا تُسْرِفُوا إِنَّ اللهَ لا يُحِبُّ الْمُسْرِفِينَ﴾ “And eat and drink, but do not be excessive, verily Al-lah dislikes the excessive.” [Surah al-A’raaf (7):31] This verse is in regards to the permissible in which there is no doubt, so how would it be for that which the textual and intellec-tual evidences strengthen each other in implying its prohibition, along with what it constitutes from bad odor, loss of appetite, sterility, deterioration of health, and many other things of its like!!! Orated by: Abdul-Muhaymin Abu Samh, Imam of Masjid al-Haram. The Ruling concerning Smoking Cigarettes and the Imamah of the one who flagrantly smokes
Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz bin Baz (May Allah have mercy on him)
All Praise is due to Allah, alone, and may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger and upon all his family and companions. I was asked by some brothers about the ruling concerning smok-ing cigarettes and the validity of the Imamah of the one who does so publicly, while mentioning that this evil has become pre-valent and has afflicted many people. So the answer is as follows: The evidences of the religion establish that the smoking of ciga-rettes is prohibited, and that is due to both its khubth and the great harm it possesses, for Allah has not sanctioned any-thing from food and drink except which is good and beneficial. And as for those things which cause detriment to one’s religion or their worldly life, or which change their normal state of mind, Allah, Exalted be He, has disallowed it. Allah is more merci-ful to His servants than their own selves. He is the All-Wise and All-Knowing in His speech, actions, legislation, and ordainments, and He does not prohibit anything in vain. He does not create anything in falsehood, nor does He order His servants with something in which there is no benefit, for He, Exalted be He, is the Wisest of Judges and the Most Merciful. He the All- Knowing about what is proper for His servants and what benefits them in this life and the
next, as He said, إِنَّ رَبَّكَ حَكِيمٌ عَلِيمٌ “Indeed your Lord is Wise and Knowledgeable.” [Surah al-An‘aam(6):128] And He said, ﴿إِنَّ اللهَ كَانَ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمًا “Indeed Allah is Wise and Knowledgeable.” [Surah an-Nisaa´ (4):11] And there are numerous other verses that suggest the same meaning.And from the Qur`anic evidences regarding the prohibition of smoking cigarettes is His saying in His Noble Book in Surah al-Maa`idah, يَسْأَلُونَكَ مَاذَا أُحِلَّ لَهُمْ قُلْ أُُحِلَّ لَكُمُ الطَّيِّبَاتِ “They ask you what has been allowed for them. Say: at-tayyibaat (all things pure and good)
have been al-lowed for you.” [Surah al-Maa`idah (5):4] And he said in Surah al-A’raaf describing our Prophet Muham-mad يَأْمُرُهُمْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَاهُمْ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَيُحِلُّ لَهُمُ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَيُحَرِّمُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْخَبَائِثَ “He commands them with al-ma’roof (all things or-dained by Islam) and prohibits them al- munkar (all things prohibited by Islam), and he allows for them at-tayyibaat (all things good and pure) and he prohibits them al-khabaa`ith.” [Surah al-A’raaf(7):157] Allah clarified in these two noble verses that He has not permitted anything for His servants except those things good and pure, which are the beneficial food and drink. And as for the food and drink which cause harm, like those that intoxicate, nar-cotize, or any other food or drink harmful to one’s religion, body, or mind, they are from the prohibited khabaa`ith. Physicians and others who have knowledge in this subject are in agreement that cigarettes are extremely harmful to health. They have also men-tioned that it is a cause of a wide array of diseases, amongst them cancer, and cardiac arrest. And if this is truly the case, then there should be no doubt in the prohibition of anything that has similar consequences, and it becomes an obligation to caution against it. The intelligent should not be deceived by the scores of people who smoke, for verily Allah said in His Clear Book, وَإِنْ تُطِعْ أَكْثَرَ مَنْ في الأَرْضِ يُضِلُوكَ عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللهِ إِن يَّتَّبِعُونَ إلا الْظَّنَّ وَإنْ هُمْ إِلا يَخْرُصُونَ “And if you follow most of those on earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah’s Path.
They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do nothing but lie. [Surah al-An‘aam (6):116] And He said, ﴿أَمْ تَحْسَبُ أَنَّ أَكْثَرَهُمْ يَسْمَعُونَ أَوْ يَعْقِلُونَ إِنْ هُمْ إِلا كَالأنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ سَبِيل “Or do you think that most of them hear or under-stand? They are only like cattle; nay, they are even far-ther astray from the path.” [Surah al-Furqaan (25):44] As for the validity of the imaamah of someone who smokes ciga-rettes, or for that matter anyone else amongst the disobedient, it is not befitting that their likes be taken as an Imaam. Rather, it is legislated that one choose from the righteous amongst the Mus-lims who are known for their uprightness and piousness, for the matter concerning the imaamah is indeed a great one. And for this reason the Messenger of Allah said: “Let the one to lead the people be the one who has memorized most the Book of Allah, and if they are equal in recitation, then the most knowledgeable of the Sunnah, and if they are equal in the knowledge of the Sunnah, then the one who preceded in hijrah , and if they were in equal in hijrah, then the first of them in accepting Islam.” [Muslim] And in the Saheehayn, on the authority of the Prophet that he said to Malik bin Huwayrith and his companions: “When the time for prayer arrives, let one of you call the adhaan , and let the eldest amongst you lead [in prayer].” But the scholars, may Allah have mercy on them, have differed: Is the imaamah and the prayer of the congregation actually valid? Some have stated that the prayer performed behind him is not valid, due to the weakness of his religion and the shortcoming in his Eemaan , while others have stated that it is, giving reason that if the prayer is valid in regards to his own self, it necessitates that it also be valid for those following him. Also, many compan-ions prayed behind governors and rulers which were known for their oppression and sinfulness, as Ibn ‘Umar prayed behind al-Hajjaaj who was known to be from the most oppressive of people. And this is the correct opinion, that the imamah of the one who smokes and also the prayer of those following him are both valid. But it should be known that it is not befitting that his likes be taken as an Imam, while there are others from the right-eous people that can be chosen instead. And this reply is indeed concise, as we only intended to mention the principle ruling concerning these two matters and to clarify some of the evidences in its regard. Scholars have clarified the ruling concerning these two matters beforehand, and whoever wants elucidation in this subject, they can surely find it.We ask Allah that He rectifies the affairs of the Muslims and guide them all to be upright in their religion and be wary from what opposes it. Verily He is the Most Generous. And may His peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions.
Sheikh Abdul-Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz The president of the Council of Leading Scholars