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Fiqh, Fatawa, &, Islamic Law Books>>The Impact of Determining the Judgement of an Abode as Being One of Disbelief or Islam

Islamic Books: The Impact of Determining the Judgement of an Abode as Being One of Disbelief or Islam  

The Impact of Determining the Judgement of an Abode as Being One of Disbelief or Islam. By Shaykh Khalid bin Ali bin Muhammad al Anbari

Item Code : Darussalam.FE4

Author : Shaykh Khalid bin Ali bin Muhammad al Anbari
Publisher : Non, Darussalam
Book Format : Soft Cover. Size 14X21
Pages : 97
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Price: £3.99
The Impact of Determining the Judgement of an Abode as Being One of Disbelief of Islam

About the Author

Shaykh, Dr Kahlid was born in Carion 1963 and completed his doctorate in Shareeh at the University of Cairo. He studied with scholars in Egypt and Saudi Arabia and is one of the students of the great Muhaddith of the era Imam Muhammad Nasirudeen al-Albani. Dr Khalid has many books against the ideology of terrorism and extreme takfeer such as his critically acclaimed book Hukm bi-Ghayri ma Anzala Allaah (Ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed) which was commended by al-Albani. He has taught at universities in Saudi Arabia and the UAE and is also specialised in dream interpretation and his main book on this topic is Qaamoos Tafsee ul Ahlaam (A Dictionary of Dream Interpretation). Many of his articles have been printed in newspapers, magazines and journals and he has attended Islamic conferences and seminars worldwide teaching Islamic and non Islamic subjects in academic institutions and elsewhere.