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Purification of the Soul>>Preventative measures against Shaytan

Darussunnah: Preventative measures against Shaytan  

Preventative measures against Shaytan By Mustafa ibn Al-Adawi

Item Code : Darussalam.PSE17

Author : Mustafa ibn Al-Adawi
Publisher : Darussunnah
Book Format : Soft Cover. Size 14X20
Pages : 96
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Price: £4.00
Preventative measures against Shaytan

Indeed It is only Shaytan  that suggests to you the fear of his helpers,   so fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers. Surah Al-'Imran 3:175}

When Shaytan inflicts a person with his touch it is blinding, and it obstructs the vision, but fear of Allah along with contemplation and submission to Him enables the heart to become connected with Allah. This state arouses the heart from neglecting His guidance so that those with taqwa remember, and when they make remembrance of Allah their vision is opened and covering is removed so that they become clear sighted


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